Right Results Consulting

By Charles Knell. After leaving Motorola, I briefly looked for work at another company. However, I didn’t have much luck. So, instead of continuing with that I decided to start my own consulting business. I formed an LLC and created a website. I joined various groups in hopes of doing internet marketing for small businesses.

I created a client e-commerce website which had as many as 728 products. It was managed by a Java language Content Management System (CMS) written by me. This CMS used a MS Access database and a Yahoo Store catalog database which contained all of the product information. Operating the CMS produced XML for each product, which was then transformed into multiple HTML and CSS product pages. Updated or new product pages could then be reviewed, approved, and deployed into the customer visible website.

I created a Java application SEO article creation tool which produced articles from an e-commerce XML product feed. I used this tool to create between 4 and 7 articles per day for 6 months. This raised the google ranking to #2 for a highly competitive keyword.

I created a lead generation marketing campaign using Java and a MySQL database, which offered a free e-book in exchange for a lead’s email address. The campaign used a sales letter and squeeze page. If the lead (reader) submitted their email address, a download link and registration code (used to open the e-book) was automatically emailed to the lead. Thus, creating a mailing list.

I created and maintained a Home Construction brochure website. It featured a photo gallery, articles written in HTML and CSS, and articles as converted PDF files.

I installed new Point of Sale Terminals in retail stores.

I created and maintained a brochure website for a DUI counseling service. It had a moving sign animation on the home page and a calendar of classes.

After closing down this consulting business, I retired.